Frequently Asked Questions

Please, use the main entrance to the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú or PUCP. 

The address is Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel.

You can access to PUCP campus map here: PUCP 

Main Entrance: Pontifical Catholic University of Peru




What are the most important instructions the delegates should follow? 

● Presentations should be a maximum of 15 minutes.


● All conference rooms are equipped with a computer and projector. 

● If you want to display a PowerPoint, images or videos, please make sure you bring all files on a USB drive. (It will take time to access materials via email or online/cloud storage.) 

● There will be HDMI leads to connect laptops if required. Any Mac users will need to bring their converter.


● Please check the Program Schedule carefully so you know the date, time, and location of your panel. 

● Please ensure you arrive 10 minutes early for your scheduled panel to load PowerPoints in advance so that panels can start promptly on time.

● A reminder that all delegates are required to abide by the MSA Code of Conduct. 

● At PUCP you will have access to WIFI for free by connecting to this account:  


Password: C9AA28BA93 

Where and when can I pick up my Conference ID and register? 

Registration and the main conference activities (plenary sessions, coffee breaks, etc.) will be held at Building A, by A-100. 

Though on July 17th, there will be a space for registration by the auditorium SUM. 1

Where will the parallel sessions be? 

Parallel sessions will be held in Building A also known as Complejo de Innovación Académica - Aulario. 

Where can I eat? 

There are several cafeterias at PUCP. Kilo is one located on the first floor of Building A. There will be coffee and water by Building A. There are other cafeterias on campus, if you walk down the main path, you will find Café Juan Váldez, Cafetería de Artes, Cafetería Central, El Puesto, Gelarti. Also, in the building of Social Sciences, there is another Café Juan Váldez on the fourth floor. 

Who should I contact if I need any help? 

We will have a team of dedicated student helpers on site to help with any ITissues – they will all be wearing purple sweatshirts with the logo of the Congress so you can easily spot them! Also, there are signs to help you get to the buildings from the main entrance of the University. 

Any other tips on my arrival in Lima? 

  • Please, and this is very important for your safety, arrange a taxi inside the airport. There is taxi Green and other services that are safer than taking a taxi outside. There is also an airport bus that does a route to different parts in the city, check schedules, stops, and prices here: 
  • Please check our 'Plan your Visit' page for more information about Lima and the region. Lima is a big city not an easy walking distance. 
  • The winter weather in Lima can be very cool, so please make sure you also bring some clothing for cooler weather. 
  • Please check what travel adaptors you will need as Peru uses type G plugs, with a standard voltage of 230v. 

Where can I find the latest information about the conference? 

Please, this is very important: all updates can be found on our Conference website: 

Can I post about the conference on my social media? 

Yes, you can! If you do so please be mindful and use the hashtag #MSALima2024 #PUCPMSA2024. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter! 

Does the conference have an online or hybrid component? 

There will be a few sessions live streamed on the YouTube MSA channel. These sessions will be: the inauguration, the three keynote speeches and two special sessions. 

Most of the MSA 2024 Lima Peru conference is organized in a fully on-site format, with a few exceptions online due, mainly, to medical reasons. 

What is the language of the conference? 

Our conference is organized on an international level and all events will be in English and in Spanish. 

Where can I find the conference program? 

The final conference program is available on our Conference website (available for logged-in users).

Where do I register for the Cultural program? 

1. If you would like to spend July 17th from 9am to 12pm visiting Lima's Memory Sites (Routes of Memory), please fill in this 


2. If you would like to visit PUCP's memory sites and the exhibition "Resistencia/ Resistance", please, fill in this form:

3. All the films of the Film festival will be at the Auditorium Gustavo Gutiérrez at

Social Sciences Faculty and there's no need to register. Just go and enjoy!

4. Peru 's internal armed conflict and recent political protests Timeline:


What is Dryfta? 

Dryfta is an event management software that we use to organize the conference. While registering for the event, you are also creating an account on the website where you will be able to see the programme and connect with other participants. 

I am having trouble logging in. What should I do?

Please check which email address you used to create your account. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the reset password function. 

If you still cannot log in, and have tried using a different browser, please contact the Dryfta technical support team:


I want to change the password. How can I do that?
Go to Profile overview and click on the "Change Password" below your picture.

1.                                                2.


How do I add/change my photo?
To update your profile picture go to Profile overview and click "Browse", choose your picture and save. To change the photo hover your mouse over the picture, Remove the photo and then click "Browse".

How should I add/correct my affiliation? 

Go to Update profile and scroll down to the form with your personal information. Make the changes and click "Update Profile" at the bottom of the page. 


How can I find my panel?

1.  To search for your panel, type your name or the panel title into the search bar. If you have trouble finding your panel, please type in the search bar only one or two words from the title and search again

2. You can click the plus icon  for a more advanced search.


3. The panels you are speaking at are also visible on the bar above the session's name and in the profile menu



What is the difference between My Sessions and Sessions I'm Speaking/Moderating At?

My Sessions are sessions added to your schedule and Sessions I'm Speaking/Moderating At display the panels in which you are presenting personally.

I want to add panels to my schedule. How to do it? Where can I see it?

To add panels to your schedule click the blue "Add this Session to my Schedule" button (in the form of a heart) next to the title of the panel. To visit your personalized schedule go to Profile overview and click on My Schedule. 

Where can I find descriptions of the papers/panels? 

You can view a detailed description of the panels, as well as the speakers, by clicking on the title of the panel. Please bear in mind that the abstracts for pre-made panels will be available in the programme soon.

I am interested in Working & Regionals Groups panels/Special events/Cultural program/Specific topics. How do I find them?

Go to ADVANCED SEARCH by clicking on the plus icon  and pick the event track you are interested in.

Why am I added as a chair to a panel?

Persons marked as Primary Authors during the submission process were assigned the role of a chair for a given panel.

I submitted an Individual Paper. How can I see what panel I am in? 

Go to ADVANCED SEARCH and pick the title of your paper in SEARCH BY SUB SESSION

I cannot see all panels. What's wrong? 

Please make sure you delete the previous search and try again.

How can I see who is chairing the panel?
Click on the title of the panel you are interested in, and then click on "Moderators" on the right side.

I do not see the full program. What do I do?

You can try a few things: 

  • Refresh the page, 

  • Click on a different page and then click back on the day you are interested in, 

  • Check if you RESET your previous searches

  • If you typed in the title of a panel and it does not pop up, try searching for it only by using one word or a short phrase from the title.

Can I print the program? 

Yes, to do so click on the printer icon on the upper right corner of the screen

What should I do if I have other questions?

Please contact us at with questions regarding the conference and for MSA-related matters (including membership fees), please contact  

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