Oriana Bernasconi Professor of Sociology at Alberto Hurtado University, where she serves as Head of the PhD Programme in Sociology and as researcher at the Human Rights Centre https://memoriayderechoshumanosuah.org/ which she co founded in 2014. She is also a principal researcher at the Millenium Institute on Violence and Democracy Research https://viodemos.cl/en/ She holds a PhD in Sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and an MPhil in Cultural Studies and Sociology from Birmingham University. Oriana's work focuses on contemporary subjects and subjectivities, memory studies, human rights violations and knowledge production and circulation, human rights atrocities and democracy, education and citizenship. In the last ten years she has conducted interdisciplinary research in Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia on the role that documentation of human rights violations and archives play in a society's capacity to come to terms with evil pasts. Her book "Resistance to Political Violence in Latin America. Documenting Atrocity" Palgrave, 2019, (in Spanish Documentar la Atrocidad: Resistir el Terrorismo de Estado- UAH Ediciones) provides in-depth analysis on state violence documentation, denunciation and resistance and how it affected civilians, activists and victims in Chile and beyond. Oriana has authored more than 50 publications in 3 languages in academic journals and books, and has edited three special issues in these topics. | ![]() |
![]() | Elizabeth Jelin Argentine social scientist engaged in research in the areas of human and citizenship rights, social inequalities, gender and the family, social movements, and memories of political repression. Senior Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) at CIS - IDES (Institute of Economic and Social Development) in Buenos Aires. Member of academic boards of numerous scientific international institutions and visiting professor at universities in Europe and the Americas. Recipient of the Konex Prize, the Bernardo Houssay National Prize for Research Trajectory in the Social Sciences granted by the Argentine government, and the CLACSO award. Doctor Honoris Causa at Université Paris Ouest, Nanterre – La Defense, Universidad de la República (Uruguay), Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata and Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina). Author of books and articles. Among them, Los trabajos de la memoria (English edition: State Repression and the Labors of Memory), La lucha por el pasado. Cómo construimos la memoria social (English edition: The Struggle for the Past. How We Construct Social Memories), Entangled Global Inequalities: Conceptual Debates and Evidence from Latin America (co-edited with Renata Motta and Sergio Costa), Pan y afectos: la transformación de las familias, Cómo será el pasado. Una conversación sobre el giro memorial (with Ricard Vinyes), Podría ser yo. Los sectores populares en imagen y palabra (with Pablo Vila et. al., photographs by Alicia D'Amico. 2 volumes), ¿Qué hacemos con las cosas del pasado? Materialidades, memorias y lugares (con Ludmila da Silva Catela y Agustina Triquell). In 2020 CLACSO published Las tramas del tiempo. Familia, género, memorias, derechos y movimientos sociales. Antología esencial (edited by Marcela Cerrutti, Ludmila Da Silva Catela and Sebastián Pereyra). |